The Queerlit database includes fiction that depicts same-sex desire and transgressions of binary gender. The database contains a wide variety of fiction: old and new, good and bad, and those that to a large or small extent depicts these themes.
A substantial part of the material could be labeled LGBTQI-fiction, but far from all of it. When it comes to the older material, we have included titles that mention same-sex desire and/or transgressions of binary gender only in passing, sometimes only in a sentence, sometimes only by implication. In addition, we have deliberately chosen to include stereotypes, prejudices, and misconceptions. Such depictions are an important part of our history—no matter how misleading they may be.
The Queerlit project was conducted at Gothenburg University, KvinnSam, and Södertörn University. The database that the project has created is presented in our own interface, as well as integrated in national library catalogue LIBRIS. After the project’s end in 2023, the database is maintained by KvinnSam, while GRIDH (Gothenburg Research Infrastructure in Digital Humanities) is responsible for the frontend and other technical aspects of operation.
As of yet, the database is only available in Swedish.